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Sunday, March 27, 2011

should i have a boyfriend while studying???...

This question it’s very complicated for me to answer.Firstly what does love meaning???Love have a lot of meanings but for me love is caring,pleasure and treating others well.Do you think should I have a boyfriend when I am studying???have a many advantage and disadvantage when we have a boyfriend when studying…but now people always see more disadvantage than advantage when have a boyfriend.It’s all because our student at this time cant’n think what is positive and negative thing that they must do when their couple with someone…

One of disadvantage that I can find when we have a boyfriend while our study is we can lost our focus in studying.It’s because we too busy and complacent with the world of romance.Most of them waste their time with hang out with their boyfriend or girlfriend and forget to studying.This action will give effects for their studies expecially during exam.Time is spend for studying is wasted for enjoying with their couple. Most of student don’t’n aware it until get a bad result for their exam…This thing will make our parents upset with their children.
Furthermore,most of student where couple will spend and waste their money for their couple and enjoying.for example, the money that they borrow from PTPTN will spend to watch movie, shopping and others.The reality is they are still under their parents guieding and that will trouble their parents to give money for them if the money is lost for enjoying.
Then,the most negative impact that we can look from coulpe when studying is encouragement to have a sex before married.Free sex always involve teenager where aged between 18 until 24 years old and it’s specific as a critical matters.From this statement found that love is major factor to influence this teenager to do the sex…so this will be the negative impact when they had pregnant after do the sex.Those who involve in this problem must stay in the welfare homes and have to stop their studying.
However, if they can distinguish what are positive and negative they can have a boyfriend and girlfriend when studying.For example, their couples can helps them in weak subject and creating the healthy competition with their couple to get a excellant result.
Other positive infact that we can get if have a boyfriend when studying is every time we failed, we have someone to give advise and motivation to fighting back in studying.Through this relationship also we can be more matured and be more responsible to our partner,studying and life…so it’s can be motivated for us to well done in studying.
So remember the thing that we have to do when have a boyfriend and girlfriend is first we “must know how to manage the time” with studying and our partner and second,“have a stong personal establishment” to not influenced with the negative ways…so thinks carefully before you do somethig ok...=)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

things to keep we motivated???

motivation picture

what the meaning of that word???what I learn from the organizational behavior, motivation is defined as foreces within an individual that influence the direction intensity and persistence of the individual's voluntary behaviour.Thanks to the author for that meaning.The question now what the thing that I can do to keep myself motivated.As you know people always easily lost to motivated themselves and forget it even it's easily to do so here that something that I can share with you  and that same time will remember me to keep myself always motivated.

1.Firstly write your goals down
Writing our goals down.It's can motivated us to achieve that goals with successful.Makesure the goals that we write is reasonable and we can do it.State the time when we must to achieve that goals and when we must start to do that.It is very important to state because from that it's can avoid us from waste time do the inimportant thing.Then we can...

2.Clip or hang the goals in your wall
This thing sound like childish right??? but I always do when I at primary school.I remembered that my teacher asked me to write 'I want to get 5A' in the paper and patch that in pole outside of my house.At the beginning I felt shame but after back from school and loked that, I had spirited to get it.It's maybe useful for us to do it or you can find the word's of motivated, print and patch that in the our studied desk or in the other words hangs our "mission statement".Futhermore we can...

3.Reads the inspirational stories
Its also can helps us to keep motivated.We also can find a people that can be as a rolemodel and we can be throught his succesfully in life.People who success in their life will give a great advice and will be a great motivator.The stories always will overcoming with a challenging moments and end with a great things and benefit.For example the stories about Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad.He had a very great stories that I can follow it and not bored.The other thing that we can do is...

4.Dont'n always aim for perfection
Most of people want to end his or her work with perfection but don't you realize that we can ever get successful before facing the failer first and sometimes failer is the good things to make us more strong.I admit that sometimes I also want the perfection in every things that I will do but it's make me realize it's will make me dispointed and then lost my motivated if I cant'n achieved the perfection... so accept our self weaknesses and try to be better in every way we do.So if you fall, climb back up and begin again.Remember "dont'n aim for perfection but aim the our efforts".In other hand we can...

5.Give rewards to ourself
It's sound interesting right???he..You want to know how we can give rewards to ourselves?ok for example we can give prizes or buy something that we want after we achieved the goals.We can buy chocolate and clothes...Why i'am said that??? because I like to eat it and go to shopping.It's that answer.hehe..It's also can release our tension but remember dont'n waste your money to much ok...It's a very a good thing to motivated ourselves to achieve a goal.Thanks to my friend in school who teached me that's way..=)Lastly we cant'n do the all things above without that..

6.Believe in myself and remember my parents
Before we do something we need to be able to trust ourself and believe in all the decision we makes.It's very important to grow up our confident level and increses the self motivation.If we brave to try something new it's will make our motivation to success in life so dont'n afraid to try something new...The truth is, wheather you know it or not, your thoughts are responsible for whatever place or situation you are in right now..After this try to build your confident level ok expecially you Sarina..Remember sarina you can do it..hehe..Lastly on the everything we doing we must remember about our parents and it will always motivated ourself to success in every way we takes action...Thanks mom and dad because your both always motivated me in everything I did since 21 years ago...I love your both..here that one more other useful tips:

Success = Problem Solving + Practice + Persistence + Patience + Personal Kindness ---> New Habits to motivated !!!