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Thursday, February 10, 2011


Resolution,resolution and resolution...

It is a very important word before we want to do something.Resolution also is important thing that we must have on the beginning every new year.I also have the new year resolution and I think it's not to late to tell now right?

Ok, one of my new year resolution that I really want  to target a good result in exam and next grace dean award in this year.It's obviously difficult and hard to get but I must force myself and sacrifice a little bit time from enjoying to study expecially hang out with friend and go to shoping.Sorry friend i must told that..Hehe..Futhermore,it's turn to be more difficult because the subject that I took in this semester it's more tight than before.Emm how I can studied in this universities???..Sarina remember you must be strong ok...

In addition major of the subject use the english language where I accquitanc when use this language in writing and in communication.Gratefully,in this semester has a english writing subject and beside that I can improve my english to be more better than before.For example trought this blog right?..

Then,my new year resolution is to be a good daughter,sister,student,and individual.I hope I can improve myself enable than before.I want my family will be proud with my successfully in study not like before.Then,I want to be a daughter that respect to my parents and make them happy.

I also want to be a good sister that I can help my siblings and stay behind them by the time they need me.From that,we will become more closer and tuff as a strong bones in one family.Lastly,I want to be a student that respect to my lecturer and be a loyalty to my country but not throught the military ok..hehe..

Finally,my new year resolution is to get A in 'russian' subject.It is a very difficult to get A in russian but I must try to do it.It is a one difficult language to learn and understand like the country known as a rude country.Emm I don't know how my lecturer can expert with that language.She must very struggle right???The first ways to get A is I must learn to love and feel interesting when I study a russian like when I studied history.

That's my new year resolution and I really hope that I can achieves all the resolution with succesfully in this year.I must attempt in higher position and pray to Allah.Do you think I will be success?..lets wish me a good luck ok...so see you in the next post...paka~~~

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