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Thursday, April 14, 2011

my dream vacation...

 My dream vocation…emm you think where I want to go? I very like to travel but if I have a lot of money I really want go to Paris with my family. I really like to enjoy and release my tension in  there. Paris is famous symbol of love in the world. The first attraction that I want to visit in there is Eiffel Tower.
Eiffel Tower, Completed in 1889, this colossal landmark although initially hated by many Parisians is now a famous symbol of French civic pride and romantic. The information that I found from the website that this towering edifice standing 320m high was built for the Universal Exposition held to commemorate the centenary of the French Revolution. The world's tallest structure until 1930, it is named after its designer, Gustave EIFFEL.
Then I want go to Notre Dame Cathedral. This famous cathedral a masterpiece of Gothic architecture on which construction began in the 12th century, stands on the Ile de la Cite and is the symbolic heart of the city. The other place that I want to go for relaxation in there is Luxembourg Gardens, these formal gardens that serve as one of Paris's most popular destinations for relaxation.
The other my dream vacation is Perth, Australian. Perth is others special places for me to visited. It is a large country and have many interesting places that I can visit in there such as Aquarium of Western Australia. Not only is it the biggest aquarium in the country, it also boasts the largest collection of Western Australian fish and marine life in the entire world. The aquarium's most popular attraction is a 323-foot underwater tunnel. In there we can walk through the tunnel and watch sharks, stingrays and turtles glide by above.
In school I very likes with the history subject so if I go to Perth I will not miss to visit Art Gallery of Western Australia.The Art Gallery of Western Australia is the place to visit for its collection of Aboriginal, Australian, European and Asian art. The Art Gallery of Western Australia is home to 16,500 pieces such as sculpture, painting, photography and craft work.
The last places that I want to visited in there is the places call Houghton Winery. The vineyards of Swan Valley sit just outside Perth, offering wine lovers a fascinating day trip. The most famous of these wineries is the Houghton Winery, one of the oldest in the area.The winery also has the longest-running vintage of white wine in the country.It’s a very romantics places right???..so I very hope that I can go to both of the places for in my trip holidays someday… ~=) ~

~If i'am a billionaire~

BILLIONAIRE…That’s is very great word that everyone to get it and do everything if they 
becomes a billionaire.What will I do if I become a billionaire???have many things that’s I want to do if I becomes a billionaire but the first thing that I will do if I am a billionaire is I want to give half from my money to my parents and I want go to Makkah with my family.
Then I want to built a big house beside the beach with the beautiful landscape. In that’s house I want to providing a cinema for we easy to watch a latest movies for save my moneys from go to cinema. I also want to decoration the house with my clasiccal taste. I also want to specific a rooms with many categories like fashion room, make-up roms and rooms for puts my cutes accessories. In every morning I want to jogging beside the beach for relax and breathe fresh air on the beach.
 Futhermore I want to buy the expensive car like BMW with sophisticated tool inside the car. I want to look vogue when I drive that car..hehe.. On that time I must  feel confident when drive that car and not afraid anymore. I also want to put a big sport rims to make it more interesting and powerful.
I also want to give the  money to the orphans and welfare homes. I want to help them from suffering and get a better education for them use in the future. It is very important to avoid them from do the something wrong and make them get a succesfull in life.
On the other that I want go to holiday around the worlds with my family. I want go to sailing with a big ship like a titanic. It’s must very great right?..or maybe I can meet someone special in the ship..hehe.. I want takes a lot of picture for my sweets memorable holidays.
I am a person who very like and love with cat so I want to buy and open the centre for take care the cats. I want to take care a cats and take the cats are abandoned in the street and take care of them until they becomes cutes and healthy. I also want to gets the pets at home like hamster and horse.They are a very cute pets that I want to have.
If I am a billionaire I also want to open the business and sells the cows. I want my father to handle that business because he very like to reer the cow. I don’t want my father work very hard like before.
 The last thing that I want to do if I am a billionaire is I want to do my very favourite hobby is go to shopping with my friends but remember only shopping when mall have a big sale ok to save our moneys..hehe.. I want to buys anything that I want without thinking about the price. I want to buy a new shoes, thirts, jeans and accessories.
That’s all what I think in this time what I want to do if I am a billionaire. Its very good right if my dream become true in one days…wish me  to be a billionaire ok..~paka~

Sunday, March 27, 2011

should i have a boyfriend while studying???...

This question it’s very complicated for me to answer.Firstly what does love meaning???Love have a lot of meanings but for me love is caring,pleasure and treating others well.Do you think should I have a boyfriend when I am studying???have a many advantage and disadvantage when we have a boyfriend when studying…but now people always see more disadvantage than advantage when have a boyfriend.It’s all because our student at this time cant’n think what is positive and negative thing that they must do when their couple with someone…

One of disadvantage that I can find when we have a boyfriend while our study is we can lost our focus in studying.It’s because we too busy and complacent with the world of romance.Most of them waste their time with hang out with their boyfriend or girlfriend and forget to studying.This action will give effects for their studies expecially during exam.Time is spend for studying is wasted for enjoying with their couple. Most of student don’t’n aware it until get a bad result for their exam…This thing will make our parents upset with their children.
Furthermore,most of student where couple will spend and waste their money for their couple and enjoying.for example, the money that they borrow from PTPTN will spend to watch movie, shopping and others.The reality is they are still under their parents guieding and that will trouble their parents to give money for them if the money is lost for enjoying.
Then,the most negative impact that we can look from coulpe when studying is encouragement to have a sex before married.Free sex always involve teenager where aged between 18 until 24 years old and it’s specific as a critical matters.From this statement found that love is major factor to influence this teenager to do the sex…so this will be the negative impact when they had pregnant after do the sex.Those who involve in this problem must stay in the welfare homes and have to stop their studying.
However, if they can distinguish what are positive and negative they can have a boyfriend and girlfriend when studying.For example, their couples can helps them in weak subject and creating the healthy competition with their couple to get a excellant result.
Other positive infact that we can get if have a boyfriend when studying is every time we failed, we have someone to give advise and motivation to fighting back in studying.Through this relationship also we can be more matured and be more responsible to our partner,studying and life…so it’s can be motivated for us to well done in studying.
So remember the thing that we have to do when have a boyfriend and girlfriend is first we “must know how to manage the time” with studying and our partner and second,“have a stong personal establishment” to not influenced with the negative ways…so thinks carefully before you do somethig ok...=)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

things to keep we motivated???

motivation picture

what the meaning of that word???what I learn from the organizational behavior, motivation is defined as foreces within an individual that influence the direction intensity and persistence of the individual's voluntary behaviour.Thanks to the author for that meaning.The question now what the thing that I can do to keep myself motivated.As you know people always easily lost to motivated themselves and forget it even it's easily to do so here that something that I can share with you  and that same time will remember me to keep myself always motivated.

1.Firstly write your goals down
Writing our goals down.It's can motivated us to achieve that goals with successful.Makesure the goals that we write is reasonable and we can do it.State the time when we must to achieve that goals and when we must start to do that.It is very important to state because from that it's can avoid us from waste time do the inimportant thing.Then we can...

2.Clip or hang the goals in your wall
This thing sound like childish right??? but I always do when I at primary school.I remembered that my teacher asked me to write 'I want to get 5A' in the paper and patch that in pole outside of my house.At the beginning I felt shame but after back from school and loked that, I had spirited to get it.It's maybe useful for us to do it or you can find the word's of motivated, print and patch that in the our studied desk or in the other words hangs our "mission statement".Futhermore we can...

3.Reads the inspirational stories
Its also can helps us to keep motivated.We also can find a people that can be as a rolemodel and we can be throught his succesfully in life.People who success in their life will give a great advice and will be a great motivator.The stories always will overcoming with a challenging moments and end with a great things and benefit.For example the stories about Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad.He had a very great stories that I can follow it and not bored.The other thing that we can do is...

4.Dont'n always aim for perfection
Most of people want to end his or her work with perfection but don't you realize that we can ever get successful before facing the failer first and sometimes failer is the good things to make us more strong.I admit that sometimes I also want the perfection in every things that I will do but it's make me realize it's will make me dispointed and then lost my motivated if I cant'n achieved the perfection... so accept our self weaknesses and try to be better in every way we do.So if you fall, climb back up and begin again.Remember "dont'n aim for perfection but aim the our efforts".In other hand we can...

5.Give rewards to ourself
It's sound interesting right???he..You want to know how we can give rewards to ourselves?ok for example we can give prizes or buy something that we want after we achieved the goals.We can buy chocolate and clothes...Why i'am said that??? because I like to eat it and go to shopping.It's that answer.hehe..It's also can release our tension but remember dont'n waste your money to much ok...It's a very a good thing to motivated ourselves to achieve a goal.Thanks to my friend in school who teached me that's way..=)Lastly we cant'n do the all things above without that..

6.Believe in myself and remember my parents
Before we do something we need to be able to trust ourself and believe in all the decision we makes.It's very important to grow up our confident level and increses the self motivation.If we brave to try something new it's will make our motivation to success in life so dont'n afraid to try something new...The truth is, wheather you know it or not, your thoughts are responsible for whatever place or situation you are in right now..After this try to build your confident level ok expecially you Sarina..Remember sarina you can do it..hehe..Lastly on the everything we doing we must remember about our parents and it will always motivated ourself to success in every way we takes action...Thanks mom and dad because your both always motivated me in everything I did since 21 years ago...I love your both..here that one more other useful tips:

Success = Problem Solving + Practice + Persistence + Patience + Personal Kindness ---> New Habits to motivated !!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dear my lovely mom...

Assalammualaikum and how about you mom? I hope you in a good condition and happy always.How about dad now? I am very suprised and anxious when I get a news that dad was fallen from stair but I was calmdown when brother told that he was taked dad to the hospital and get the medical treatment.I hoped that dad will consistent when eat his mediciene and take care his legs as a doctor advised.However,I was happy when brother told me that the cat at home was borned three child and the kitten must be very cuted.I was very exiceted to see the kitten and give them name.

What happen now to our village after the flood?.I am very gratefull to God that our house not too flood.I heard that news from newspaper and I think this year flood more serious than before in 2006.I was very sympatized to all resident in segamat.It's must difficult for them to faced it.It's must have a lot of changed in town and I hope urban council will take a action to settled this problem expecially the drainage problem.

My lifes in here is fined but sometimes I felt so tired becaused my subject that I have been taked in this semester it's more difficult than before.I have a little difficult to understand what I learned.This semester I was learn about sixth,fourth and three cases in russian language and of course it's more difficult than the last semester but I will paying more attention in that classes and try to get a good result on all subject that I have been taked.I hoped you will always pray for my success.

Futhermore,in this year I not accepted for PALAPES and must replace that with other cocuriculum subject.In this year I was choosed cocuriculum of gamelan.It is a interesting thing and chalengging.Trough this cocuriculum I able to know more friends and was introducing with various instrument of gamelan.We also have a change to played all that instrument and having teach about many songs.It's an interesting activities and I have enjoyed that.I was attend this activities in every friday at 3.00 pm until 6.00 pm and I was always waiting for that in every weeks.

Then,my lecturer in this year it's so nice and always ready to give a lot of information about the thing that I don't know.The subject that I most likely in this semester is "organizational behaviour".The lecturer on this subject it's very nice and have a lot of interesting experience to shared with us.

Environment in here it's more different than village.Cost of living in here it's also more expensive than our place.Emm so I must save my money properly and not waste that.The people in here also always busy and competitived with each other in everything.I also must have move quickly to not leave behind them in studied.

That's all that I can write for this time.I feel impatient to back home in this weekend and I hope you will waiting for me.I also impatient to eat your delicious cooking and mom, always pray for me ok for all that's way and thankz because you always beside me.Goodbye and pleased send my regard to dad.
Your indulgent daughter...

i love you mom...

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Resolution,resolution and resolution...

It is a very important word before we want to do something.Resolution also is important thing that we must have on the beginning every new year.I also have the new year resolution and I think it's not to late to tell now right?

Ok, one of my new year resolution that I really want  to target a good result in exam and next grace dean award in this year.It's obviously difficult and hard to get but I must force myself and sacrifice a little bit time from enjoying to study expecially hang out with friend and go to shoping.Sorry friend i must told that..Hehe..Futhermore,it's turn to be more difficult because the subject that I took in this semester it's more tight than before.Emm how I can studied in this universities???..Sarina remember you must be strong ok...

In addition major of the subject use the english language where I accquitanc when use this language in writing and in communication.Gratefully,in this semester has a english writing subject and beside that I can improve my english to be more better than before.For example trought this blog right?..

Then,my new year resolution is to be a good daughter,sister,student,and individual.I hope I can improve myself enable than before.I want my family will be proud with my successfully in study not like before.Then,I want to be a daughter that respect to my parents and make them happy.

I also want to be a good sister that I can help my siblings and stay behind them by the time they need me.From that,we will become more closer and tuff as a strong bones in one family.Lastly,I want to be a student that respect to my lecturer and be a loyalty to my country but not throught the military ok..hehe..

Finally,my new year resolution is to get A in 'russian' subject.It is a very difficult to get A in russian but I must try to do it.It is a one difficult language to learn and understand like the country known as a rude country.Emm I don't know how my lecturer can expert with that language.She must very struggle right???The first ways to get A is I must learn to love and feel interesting when I study a russian like when I studied history.

That's my new year resolution and I really hope that I can achieves all the resolution with succesfully in this year.I must attempt in higher position and pray to Allah.Do you think I will be success?..lets wish me a good luck ok...so see you in the next post...paka~~~

Monday, February 7, 2011

My memorable holiday in terengganu with various point of interest...

                             turtle that i buy in pasar payang..them cutes right???hehe

During the past Chinese New Year holiday me and whole family goes on holiday in Terengganu.On the first day we were renting rooms in Kg.Paya, Marang and it's little difficult because most of rooms in there are full.The next tomorrow, after we had a breakfast 'nasi lemak and keropok lekor" we visited the various point of interest in Terengganu.The first places we go is Tengku Zaharah Mosque or more commonly called "Masjid Terapung".

The mosque is located in Teluk Ibai,just 4 km away from Kuala Terengganu town centre,quite close to the beautiful beach of Terengganu coast.Masjid Terapung has a uniqie design which is built on the estuary of the Terengganu river by one of the prince in Terengganu state.Combining both modern and moorish archtecture design,the mosque symbolizes the innovation and modernisation in the state.

masjid terapung

After that we go to check in at Dara Inn.The site is located facing the sea and it's the beautiful places.We also go to Taman Tamadun Islam that of the glories of Islamic Civilation from all over the world,in one world class theme park.It's have 21 fasinating monuments from all over the world.

Taman Tamadun Islam had many facilities like bicycle,tram,padle boat,tti river cruise and canoe but we not play it cause the wheater is realy hot that day.In there we were awed with the crystal mosque artistry and craftmanship,a grandeur dedication to the Almight Creator.Cleverly design,the mosque is built with steel and crystal effect glass,reasonating light from inside and outside.it's very interesting place you know.

masjid kristal

The other interesting places is the Terengganu State Museum Complex.The museum acclaimed to the largest museum in south east asea and safeguard century-old artifacts and artworks representing the state's rich cultural and heritage.Significantly located at Bukit Lasong,the complex itself is an architectual representation of the ancient palaces of state.

Muzium Negeri Terengganu

Then my brother brought we to the Noor Arfa Batik.In there it's offer an experience into the arts of batik production.From hand drawn design of the intricate patterns using chanting pens filled with wax and amber drawn on white silk or cotton cloth.Other batik products are batik pario,hand bag,handkerchief and other souvenirs are sold at reasonable price.

The next destination,we go to the beach to see sight the sunset.You know that Terengganu has the longest beaches in Malaysia? In there many children and adult who plays the kite but no one was swimming because the waves are quite strong.Then we go back and eat because we are very hungry after tired to visited.

beach of Terengganu

The last day in Terengganu we go to the central market or name of glamour call "Pasar Payang"..It is a favourite destination of tourists as the combination of wet market and shopping arcade.Pasar Payang sells interesting local handicraft like batik, brassware and brocade alongside fresh local fruit, vegetables and fish or even the local delicacies such as the keropok lekor and keropok ikan.In there I buy turtle scrupture and keycain as the memory.It is a great shopping destination but we must beware and know how to bargaining to buy things there.You know i felt like to buy the all things in there.hehe..waste money right???so my advise dont'n go there if you want safe your money..hehe..

After we were shopping,we drived back to home and arrived at 2.00 a.m because the traffic jams.Althought we was tired it was a interesting memorable holiday to me and my family...thanks to my sister and brother that brought our family to holiday in Terengganu=) 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

happy!!!! maybe??? yes....

            emm today  is my first experience to create my own blog...
              truthly i not very likes to write but sometimes share smething with someone
            its also good and something funs so this is my first step in writng on blog...
        hope i will share smthing benefit and get the advantage from this...
                 .....(in thinking mood).......huhu...so lets start tOgether with me...opss before that,mem sory if my grammar is crushed..hehe..=P
 cayo!!!..cayo!!! :)